Progress Printing Pattern Repeats with STENCILS Complete & Continue Next Lesson Learn More 1. INTRODUCTION 1 Lesson Introduction 2. Creating the STENCILS 2 Lessons PREPARING the STENCIL CUTTING STENCILS 3. PRINTING 4 Lessons PRINTING the RED SQUARE PRINTING the BLUE CIRCLE PRINTING the Yellow Triangle Randomly PRINTING the Stencils 4. DISCOVERING 2 Lessons Cutting a CROPPING Mat Using the CROPPING FRAME 5. PRINTING the Repeating Pattern TEST 4 Lessons Printing Template Printing the RED STENCIL into a REPEAT Printing the BLUE STENCIL Printing the YELLOW STENCIL 6. REFERENCE MATERIAL • Downloads 3 Lessons Reparing a torn stencil About Pigments REFERENCE MATERIAL 7. WORKSHOP and CRIT 2 Lessons LIVE WORKSHOP LESSON TIME CRITIQUE WALL Printing Pattern Repeats with STENCILS Complete & Continue Next Lesson Learn More 2. Creating the STENCILS PREPARING the STENCIL
On the STENCIL, draw these guildelines first so that your image fits properly inside of your stencil and that your stencil will line up properly with your printing template.